Work in Progress

I should probably explain what I’m trying to achieve here.

In 25 words or less:

I’m trying to keep myself accountable to an art form and lifestyle that I’ve neglected for far too long (19 words).

The slightly longer version:

This website aims to be the juncture of a few projects I’ve been procrastinating over for the last 12-120 months.

The hardest parts of which have always been making time and getting started.

Projects which may include: high quality surfing, low quality journaling, a heap of visuals, and (potentially) a diverse range of merchandise.

For now this site is mostly just a collection of photographs, a few paragraphs, and a digital shopfront to fund this little operation.

Truth is, I’m no expert at building websites and I’m certainly no journalist but I’m glad that I’m finally getting started. I don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I’m sure that’ll work itself out over time. Until then, this is the first of the internet ramblings so I do hope you enjoy it; or at the very least get used to it.

This is the start, I guess.


Sabre Program